We offer a team of expert in various disciplines, that combined, bring a unique ability to streamline your organizations foundational practices. We offer templates, tool, resources and training. Our goal is for your organization to be able to progress without us after we are done! As a team, we work to our strengths, and with more than 50 years of combined work experience there is nothing we cannot contribute our practical knowledge to.

Package A - Strategic Engagement
Review existing volunteers’ motivation
Review existing roles
Measure retention outcomes
Develop plan to engage community members into actively engaging with volunteer program
Analyse volunteer’s motivation with roles
Create new Position Descriptions
Change existing Position Descriptions that do not meet motivation of existing volunteers
Design one formal event of acknowledgement
Design 3 informal initiatives to recognize volunteers
Package B - Performance and Impact

Needs Analysis
Survey existing volunteers
Analyse and report on findings
Highlight 3 metrics from report to then actively and effectively build volunteer program on
Recruitment strategy
Needs assessment identified motivation of volunteers
Design and change position descriptions which align with organizations mission and volunteer’s motivation
Social media and peer to peer outreach
Screening Protocol
Design interview questions for 3 popular volunteer roles
Align with existing risk management protocols
Identify 3rd party screening
Waivers and agreements for volunteer to acknowledge and adhere too as per Government guidelines and organization Human Resources policies
Orientation Process
PowerPoint as it aligns with the professional protocol of content
Volunteer handbook
Design one formal event of acknowledgement
Design 3 informal initiatives to recognize volunteers
Staff guide on how to acknowledge volunteer efforts
Volunteer Recognition Week alignment with Volunteer Canada
Package C - Organizational Readiness

Assessment, Evaluation and Audit
Survey designed to track volunteer engagement 1X a year
Perform audit on volunteer program
Report generated to evaluate success and identify areas for improvement with metrics highlighted
Strategic analysis and Recruitment Strategy
Needs assessment identified motivation of volunteers
Design and change position descriptions which align with organizations mission and volunteer’s motivation
Targeted recruitment towards identified cohorts with skills/education/experience aligned with organizations mission
Includes a broad range of strategies
Host focus group of a cross section of current and past volunteers from various areas
Screening Protocol and Documents
Design motivation identifiers (questionnaire or interview questions) for volunteers
Design protocol for proper interviewing
Design interview questions for all (Max. 10) position descriptions
Align with existing risk management protocols
Incorporate 3rd party screening with organizational policies
Waivers and agreements for volunteers to acknowledge and adhere too as per Government guidelines and organization Human Resources policies
Auditing tools to align with screening protocol
On-boarding, Orientation, Training and Supervising
Risk Management protocol
PowerPoint as it aligns with the professional protocol of content
Volunteer handbook
Orientation and training of episodic volunteers
Volunteer Engagement Staff manual for easy use of non-trained staff overseeing volunteers
Staff engagement user guide for staff who have volunteers within their programs or events
Supervisors documents to assess volunteer performance
Performance Evaluation
Design exit interview questionnaire
Allow for volunteer feedback
Allow for staff feedback
Design protocol for volunteer 1:1
Volunteer review protocol and document for A-valu-ation
Risk Management
Develop policies around 3rd party screening
Develop policies for Interview screening as well as volunteer application
Dismissal protocol align with organization Human Resources
Formal/Informal Recognition
Design one formal event of acknowledgement
Design 3 informal initiatives to recognize volunteers
Staff guide on how to acknowledge volunteer efforts
Volunteer Recognition Week aligned with Volunteer Canada and built into plan and budget

Add Ons
Third Party Screening Policies
Training Manuals
Risk Matrix for Position Descriptions
Courageous Conversations and Dismissal Process
Interview Questions
Virtual Volunteering Roles Designed
Recruiting Volunteers for Fundraising
Building Boards for Better Community Connections
Volunteer Management Manuals and Professional Development Training and User Guide